Smackdown Vs Raw - all well-known game, which is the publisher THQ. The
next game is WWE SmackDown vs RAW 2011 will truly feel like a superstar
professional leagues of fighting without rules, giving unprecedented
control. The best combat simulator in the world, designed for video game
systems, next generation, replete with new features, incredible
graphics, highly realistic WWE fights in the ring and outside it.You
will have to become the best fighter in such disciplines as
wrestling. The main objective is to eliminate all possible rivals on the
way to the first line in the list of the best fighters. The game is
equipped with excellent career mode. You will come face to face with the
champions, winning their belts. The set also features the regime
Story, are called Road to Wrestlemania, where you need to go through
the story with one or more competition, performances, etc. You can also
create their own soldiers, in time, improve their abilities, fighting
techniques and much more.
Operating system:
Windows XP /NT / 2000 / 98 Processor: Pentium III/500 MHZ
RAM: 128 MB
Video Card: GeForce GTX / ATI Radeon HD or higher with 128 MB VRAM
Sound Card: DirectX 8.0 compatible
Free hard drive space: 700 MB
Cara Instal Game :
- part1-3,tempatkan dalam 1 folder yang sama,ekstrak dengan WinRar,kemudian klik kanan File WWE Impact.exe - Run As Administrator,
- sudah di uji di XP SP3 dan Win 7,
- Lancar Gan.
ScreenShot :

Cara Download Klik LINK di atas Tunggu 5 detik, Selanjutnya KLIK SKIP ADD ATAU KLIK LEWATI, silahkan download.....
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