Urban Freestyle Soccer | PC Games | Genre: Sport | {195 MB}
Minimum System Requirements
•Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98 (Windows 95/NT are not supported)
•500 MHz Intel Pentium III processor
•128 MB RAM
•16x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive
•160 MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 9.0 installation)
•32 MB Direct3D capable video card
Recommended System Requirements
•1GHz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
•256 MB or more RAM
•64 MB or greater supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible driver

Download game klik DISINI
Cara penginstallan :
- Ekstak file
- Run setup.bat
- Tunggu installasi hingga selesai
- Run CricketRevolution.exe
- Enjoy
Semoga bermanfaat . . .
Gan...bza nggak untuk laptop acer 722 windows 7 mainnya
ReplyDeleteBisa Gan.,