DOWNLOAD GAME Higurashi Daybreak + Kai (PC/ENG)
Higurashi Daybreak
is often a Japoneses dōjin 3rd individual shooter developed by The
twilight series Frontier, primary unveiled upon September 13, 2006 and
also is based on the widely used aesthetic fresh Higurashi absolutely no
Naku Koro national insurance. The overall game can be The twilight
series Frontier's primary attempt for making any animations sport. 07th
Growth, this builders on the initial franchise, aided for making the
overall game — especially, Ryukishi07, this author on the initial sport,
offered this software with regard to Higurashi Daybreak. Additionally,
this specific sport makes use of the identical speech forged because
drama CD of Higurashi absolutely no Naku Koro national insurance.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/7
Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz or Better
4 GB free Space
256 MB Vram

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Size: 2.3 GB
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