The game is a remotely controlled super-soldier, Nick Bishop. For
most of the game the soldier is remotely controlled by a man known only
as “Controller.” Controller is apparently using a direct neural
connection to Bishop. Bishop’s suppressed memories occasionally break
through, causing Controller headaches. The memories feature a woman and
the phrase, “Say my name.” Controller, under orders from a man named
Archer, uses Bishop in a series of combatmissions designed to convince
two nations or groups known as the North and the West to go to war.
Archer plans on war profiteering in the resulting war, in part by
selling copies of the technology that controls Bishop. Moments
beforeBishop launches a warhead equipped with a biological agent, a
known as “Duchess” takes over Bishop, in the process causing a surge
that kills Controller. Duchess uses Bishop to attack the base Controller
is operating from and eventually restore Bishop’s memories. It is
revealed that the woman from Bishop’s memories was his new wife. She was
killed by Archer when Archer captured Bishop. Archer wanted the
technology in Bishop for resale. Freed, Bishop makes a final assault on
Archer. Afterwords, Archer is killed and Bishop walks away.
System Requirements :
- Pentium 4 1.5GHz Processor
- 128MB RAM
- 900MB Hard Disk Space
- 64MB GeForce 4 or Radeon 9000 Class Video Card
- DirectX compatible Sound Card
- DirectX 9
cara instal :
1. extract .rar file yg habis di donlot tadi.
2. habis itu buka folder hasil ekstrakan yg tadi, jalankan .bat-nya.
3. tunggu sampai proses selesai baru deh mainkan “Kill Swicth launcher”
4. enjoy!
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